KETO-LOCA® Granola Chocolate Bites

Are you craving a fast snack that you could eat at work, before a training or just as a snack in front of the television? We got you! These granola bites contain our KETO-LOCA® chocolate and our KETO-LOCA® granola and they are delicious. In less than 10 minutes work and an hour of rest in the fridge they will be ready. Let’s start!



  1. Add chocolate divided into pieces into the bowl. Melt the chocolate in the microwave in intervals of 30 seconds. The more lumps the shorter the intervals should become. Stir after every interval until completely melted.
  2. Let your chocolate cool for a few minutes and add granola little by little into the bowl. Stir until combines.
  3. Form 10 small balls out of your mixture and put them on a tray covered with baking sheet. This way the bites won’t stick to the tray. Put everything in the fridge for an hour or until hardened.
  4. Enjoy!