KETO-LOCA® Orange Pudding

KETO-LOCA® Orange Pudding

A deliciously fresh dessert with a hint of chocolate and orange.


  • 200 ml whipped cream (not whipped)
  • A half KETO-LOCA® Belgian White Chocolate bar
  • 2 tablespoons sweetener (erythritol)
  • 2 gelatine sheets
  • 300 g cottage cheese or Greek yoghurt
  • Zest of an orange
  • 1 tablespoon fresh juice

Get baking!

  1. Heat the whipped cream with sweetener together with the chocolate.
    Meanwhile, soften the gelatine leaves in cold water.
  2. When the chocolate is melted then turn off the heat and add the squeezed gelatine leaves. Stir well!
  3. Add the orange rind and juice. Taste whether the pudding is sweet and fresh enough, otherwise add extra.
  4. Fill the mixture into glasses or a pudding mould. Leave to set in the fridge for a few hours.

BONUS TIP: Tasty with fresh fruit or with ‘lemon’ curd (but made from oranges🍊)


 Recipe by Ketomorfose

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